Salt Spring Island Postal Code Finder: Find List of Postal Codes in Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada

Salt Spring Island is City in British Columbia Province in Canada. The Salt Spring Island Postal Codes / Zip Codes are used within the Salt Spring Island, Canada to help the Canada Post Corporation to send or receive mail more efficiently. Following are the list of Postal codes used in the Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada.

What is Postal Code? : A postal code (Also known as postcode, post code, Eircode, PIN Code or ZIP Code) is a combination of letters/ digits/ spaces or punctuation, included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting Mails in City, Province or Country.

Salt Spring Island is City in British Columbia Province in Canada. The Postal Codes / Zip Codes are used within the Canada to help the Canada Post Corporation to send or receive mail more efficiently. Following are the Postal codes used in the Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada.

SL No. Postal Code City Province Area Code
91 V8K 1M4 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
92 V8K 1M5 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
93 V8K 1M6 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
94 V8K 1M7 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
95 V8K 1M8 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
96 V8K 1M9 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
97 V8K 1N1 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
98 V8K 1N2 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
99 V8K 1N3 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
100 V8K 1N4 Salt Spring Island British Columbia 250
Area Code and its uses : In Canada, every city has its own area code. An area code is a code that is placed before the actual phone number in order to make a call. Every city is allotted an area code, which belongs only to it. A wrong area code will either show an error or place the call to any other location. Companies offering area codes services take help of Google Map services to find the right city/ location through the area codes.
How to Use Postal Codes to find Services and Companies on Google, Yahoo and Bing?

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing Offer the Postal Code level searching for benefit of users. Search engines Database has almost every detail of local businesses and companies offering services or products in your area. So While Searching on Any Search Engines use following method to find most related Searches in your nearby area.

Postal codes are also called as zip codes or post codes. In Canada post codes is searched when the search is done for postal codes. Either type in the postal code to search the city or you can type in the city to search for all the postal codes in that city.

Moreover you can also search for the area codes in any city or postal code. Same way you can look for the city or postal codes in any particular area code.

Doctors in “Postal code” or “Postal Code of your area” Doctors eg Car Insuarnce agents in V5M 2G7 or V5M 2G7 Mortgage Brokers For Example, Following are the Business industry list you can find In your nearby area using the above Method

Air Conditioning Contractors, Beauty Salons, Car Dealers, Repairs and Services, Car Rental, Carpenters, Consumer Electronics & Appliances, Electricians, Landscape Contractors, Painters, Photographers, Plumbers, Roofing Contractors, Shopping & Stores, Videographers, Banks, Loans and Investment, Credit Card Services, Insurance, Auto Insurance brokers, Restaurants, Doctors, Dentists, Handyman Services, Waterproofing, Window & Gutter Cleaning, Windows & Doors Installation & Service, Tile & Stone Contractors and Retailers, Paving Contractors, Carpet & Rug Retailers and Installers for Your home renovation need and Drainage Contractors and many more.

Major Cities in Canada

Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, Ottawa, Mississauga, Vancouver, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Regina, Halifax, London, Hamilton, Waterloo, Brampton, Dartmouth, Markham, Moncton, Saint John, Vaughan, Gatineau, Penticton, Fredericton, Surrey, Kitchener, Kingston, Oshawa, Richmond Hill, Windsor, Guelph, Sudbury, Oakville, Burnaby, Thunder Bay, Cambridge, Barrie, and Burlington

Popular Area Codes:
204 Area Code | 226 Area Code | 236 Area Code | 249 Area Code | 250 Area Code | 266 Area Code | 289 Area Code | 343 Area Code | 365 Area Code | 403 Area Code | 416 Area Code | 418 Area Code | 431 Area Code | 437 Area Code | 438 Area Code | 450 Area Code | 514 Area Code | 519 Area Code | 579 Area Code | 587 Area Code | 604 Area Code | 613 Area Code | 647 Area Code | 705 Area Code | 778 Area Code | 780 Area Code | 782 Area Code | 819 Area Code | 825 Area Code | 902 Area Code | 905 Area Code | 951 Area Code |